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Showing posts from December, 2012

Sing Karaoke Sober

I think this one was the scariest task I had on my list. Why? Well, I sound like a drowning chipmunk when I sing and since I am well aware of this fact, have only done Karaoke in a group and lubricated with adult beverages.This list item required me to have not one drop of anything alcoholic prior to singing.Instead I downed that other drug: caffeine. I decided to tackle this one on a night and in a location where the least amount of people would 1) know who I was 2) ever see me again  and 3) were actually good singers themselves. Enter South Jetty Lounge in Hammond, Oregon. Population approx 23. I had to choose a song I could rock from a performance standpoint so no one would really care that my voice was flat and in the wrong key. (Yes, I can hear how bad I am thanks to years of piano and ear training <sigh> sadly, not much I can do about it). Unfortunately, the KJ didn't have any Hole (aka Courtney Love aka Kurt Cobian's widow) because her voice is about as bad as...

Hollendaise Sauce Attempt #3

Ok, this one sucked. Hands down. It may have been user error however, because the masses said it tasted good and they didn't mind the clumps <sigh>. Made it Christmas Eve morning as part of our early celebration and I was heartily disappointed. Can't quite remember where I got the recipe... online somewhere maybe?

Complete a Half-marathon Each Year - 2012

Done for 2012. Holiday Half .  It sucked and was cold and I got super sick afterwards. Needless to say, this is the last time I do a winter race in this part of the country. Before the race. I was still optimistic. I was only smiling on the outside.