I think this one was the scariest task I had on my list. Why? Well, I sound like a drowning chipmunk when I sing and since I am well aware of this fact, have only done Karaoke in a group and lubricated with adult beverages.This list item required me to have not one drop of anything alcoholic prior to singing.Instead I downed that other drug: caffeine. I decided to tackle this one on a night and in a location where the least amount of people would 1) know who I was 2) ever see me again and 3) were actually good singers themselves. Enter South Jetty Lounge in Hammond, Oregon. Population approx 23. I had to choose a song I could rock from a performance standpoint so no one would really care that my voice was flat and in the wrong key. (Yes, I can hear how bad I am thanks to years of piano and ear training <sigh> sadly, not much I can do about it). Unfortunately, the KJ didn't have any Hole (aka Courtney Love aka Kurt Cobian's widow) because her voice is about as bad as...
50 Things to Do Before I Turn 50...over the next 8+ years, until December 21, 2020 I plan to accomplish everything on my list and document each with a post along with photos or videos.
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